Ther question was if Woz was really the one who made Dial-a-joke, it was something they called to hear the joke of the day.

Woz answered, yes it was him, it was before the days you had a phone or answering machine.


The question was does he still like jokes, Woz answered that he still does, that the movie producers were way off that portrayal.


The person’s comment toward the movie was it's very interesting to note that you had no direct role in the production of the movie other than it being about you and the history of Apple.

Woz comment over that was the producers did a lot of research and has written about Apple for decades, many of the interviews were about when it was still happening.


They asked what is your current involvement with Apple Computer Inc?, Are you still an employee?, Do you still work on projects with them?, visit regularly?, Get asked for advice? Woz answered, I want to have a Apple badge forever, he’s a low salaried employee and he visits rarely/


So the question was if him and Steve Jobs still remain friends and do they see eachother regularly, he said they see eachother rarely but they are still friends, they have no problem with eachother.


This person was giving him thanks for what he has done and that he appreciates it a lot and woz answered that he loves to hear these sort of things.


This person was saying he was saddened over what he saw in the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley, Woz said some of the parts in the movie weren’t true, especially in some of the books they made.


This person asked who is Dan, they referred to being cut off the stock deal?, Woz answered, There were several that I gave this sort of stock to, and there were dozens that I sold it to cheaply so that employees could benefit rather than investors. The "Dan" might be Dan Kottke.













Bill Gates. 55 years of age, Microsoft, #2 richest man in the world, 53 billion


Steve Ballmer, 54 years of age, Microsoft, worth 14.5 billion







Paul Allen 57  years of age, Microsoft co-founder, worth 13.5 billion

Steve Jobs 55 years of age, Apple, worth 5.5 billion

Steve Wozniac, 60 years of age, Apple, 3.6 billion in 2008